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A Brief History...

Project Detect was started in Riverwood in 2005 by the Riverwood Ladies Golf Association, with the goal of helping local uninsured and underinsured women receive mammograms. Initially, the RLGA dedicated one of its Thursday morning games to raise money to make testing available for women in need in the Port Charlotte area. These early funds were administered through the American Cancer Society and then the local Florida Board of Health.

Over the next few years, Project Detect expanded our efforts into additional events to raise money for the cause through the Neighborhood Giving Program, holding Live Auctions, Silent Auctions, Dances, and Casino Nights, and seeking donations from local businesses. From the start, residents of the Riverwood Community have been very strong supporters of helping those less fortunate in the greater Port Charlotte area.

Seeing the need to add corporate sponsorships to increase our fundraising activities, we applied for and received 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status for Project Detect in March 2012. At the same time, we expanded our mission to include early detection of all cancers for needy women and men in Charlotte County.

At first, we continued to emphasize mammograms and were able to secure a rarely restricted grant under the auspices of the Susan G, Komen Foundation, with the Virginia B. Andes Volunteer Community Clinic in Port Charlotte conducting the cancer screenings. It wasn’t long before we recognized – and fully appreciated - the caring and professionalism of the Virginia B. Andes
organization and made the decision for Project Detect to interact directly with them. About that same time, we also began donating funds for cancer screenings to the smaller Englewood Community Care Clinic, also in Charlotte County.

Project Detect is especially proud of the fact that we have worked very hard to increase donation levels – and our grants to the local Virginia B. Andes Volunteer Community Clinic - every year. Please see the Project Detect Inc. Grant History (attached) for specific donations to both Clinics since Project Detect became a 501(c)(3).

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